

Saint's Day and The End of the World.
Devastated yard. Gate. Rooms filled with waste-constructions. Green temple. Corridors. Perforated walls.
White strange and fascinating room.
Sculptures of scrap. Unique impressions. Anarchy. Freedom. Creativity. Empty corridors. Old machines. More rooms. Sacred chambers. More corridors. Stairs.Missing doors. Destroyed baths. Building flushed by a river. More Stairs. Change in the weather. Another Building. Room that was completely shiny and reflecting the light of a small golden light bulb. Dark basement. 2 Artists in a room. The guy of the room.
The lady, the creator of the white room. Moments. Words. Glances.
She leaves. Balcony. Great view. Sun breaks through. Devastated staircase.
She searches and finds us, asking for a visit in the room. She leaves.
More rooms. Doors breaking through walls. Strained Cords. Red foot prints. Down. Back. Out. Through the yard. To the Gate.
She waits. White. We follow her into the white room. Instructions. Reprint. Deep experience.
Talk. Smile. Glance. Deeply connect. Glance. Hug. Leave. Night. Fog.